Sunday 5 September 2021


 I begin this website with this.

A conversation I engaged in with an associate of mine named lynn.

You know lynn?

 If no one else is going to say the obvious "" then I will. 

Let's speak truth wholly. I've never said this to anyone before. 

Because ... well... the creator is the creator. Right?  But I've decided to say it now. Because something doesnt 

add up here in righteousness.   

Wouldnt a god or goddess or some other creator or creators "whatever or whoever  they are " have to be clinically insane to make a world in this way?

Defecation and death everywhere? In connection to john 12: 25? And.. are you telling me " some female or male creator " decided to create women the way women are made" while" at the same time" the same female or male creator " made men the way men's anatomy is?

Really?    Isnt that " in itself" clinically insane?

On the part of some creator of this terrestrial existence.
Also " most religions teach that DEITIES who made this terrestrial world " including the god of israel" are jealous.
Jealous of what?
Ya know?

Something doesnt properly mix with a creator or creators being thoroughly righteous.
Under such circumstances .

That is also why I say to earthlings "" look at the facts I address in my websites.
Because what I write is factual.
Lady lynn.

I assure you.
I checked my words.
Time and time again.
My words I address in my websites are factual.
Obviously " If what i write in my websites is correct"" all gods are basically holy.

And christ jesus is infinitely holy above all DEITIES.
In connection to CHRISTIANITYS teachings .
And other religions teachings to humanity.
Yet" if what i address is not correct?
No real creator is HOLY.
That's of a certainty.

I prove that statement" with countless addressed facts"" in my websites.
Which is why i hold fast to my FAITH in CHRISTIANITYS teachings.

As would anyone who exercises logic and common sense.
Regarding facts addressed in this life.
Connected to hebrews 11: 6.

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