Friday 7 April 2017


Sequins, hoops and fists flying! Scantily-clad Texan women are caught on camera brawling in the streets of Austin and they don't even stop when pepper sprayed by cops

  • Footage shows when a group of girls began fighting in Austin, Texas recently
  • Police intervened and used pepper spray, but that didn't stop the women
  • At one point, a man got down on one knee to pose with the women fighting
  • The clip ends with a few of the women being led from the scene in handcuffs 
A group of women, dressed to the nines for a night on the town, got into a fight in a brawl that was caught on camera by a witness. 
The incident happened sometime this year on 6th Street in Austin, Texas. 
The video shows one group of women getting into a verbal spat with another group of women, and then the two factions squaring off in a physical fight.

A group of scantily-clad women were recently filmed getting into a fight in the streets of Austin, Texas
A group of scantily-clad women were recently filmed getting into a fight in the streets of Austin, Texas
Punch drunk: One of the women, seen in a white t-shirt and jeans, appeared to be drunk 
Punch drunk: One of the women, seen in a white t-shirt and jeans, appeared to be drunk 
Quite a show: While the group continues to fight, a crowd around them formsThe girl above's dress came completely down as she was trying to fight the other girls 
As the two groups of women came to blows, some of their dresses started slipping down 
As the two groups of women came to blows, some of their dresses started slipping down 
It's unclear what caused the fight to break out. The video was posted online by a witness
It's unclear what caused the fight to break out. The video was posted online by a witness
As the two groups of women exchange hits, several of the womens' short dresses begin riding up or falling down, exposing themselves to the passing partiers on the street. 
Eventually, police intervene, with one officer spraying a cluster of the girls with pepper spray. 
One of the women was temporarily stunned by the stinging spray, but was so determined that she eventually picked up right where she left off at and started hitting her foe once again. 
  • #dance
  • Brawl for all: At one point, the women fall to the ground, but they keep fighting 
    Brawl for all: At one point, the women fall to the ground, but they keep fighting 

    Quite a show: While the group continues to fight, a crowd around them forms

    The girl above's dress came completely down as she was trying to fight the other girls 
    Eventually, police intervene, with one officer spraying a cluster of the girls with pepper spray
    Eventually, police intervene, with one officer spraying a cluster of the girls with pepper spray
    The pepper spray temporarily stunned the girl in the white t-shirt
    But she was quickly back to hitting her foe a moment later
    Undeterred: The pepper spray temporarily stunned the girl in the white t-shirt, but she was quickly back to hitting her foe a moment later
    It was while police were trying to untangle the two women on the ground, that a male passerby crouched down and tried to take a photo with the chaos in the background. 
    Police quickly shooed the gawker away though and went back to focusing on quelling the fight. 
    The clip ends with police leading several of the women away in handcuffs.   
    Big fan: At one point, a passerby got down on one knee to pose for a picture with the fighting women in the background
    Big fan: At one point, a passerby got down on one knee to pose for a picture with the fighting women in the background
    But police officers quickly intervened and pushed the young man back to the sidelines
    But police officers quickly intervened and pushed the young man back to the sidelines
    The clip ends with the officers taking several of the women away from the scene in handcuffs
    The clip ends with the officers taking several of the women away from the scene in handcuffs
    The woman above appears to be reeling from the pepper spray that was unleashed on the group 
    The woman above appears to be reeling from the pepper spray that was unleashed on the group 

    The comments below have not been moderated.
    In Austin the cowboys ride side saddle.....

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    They are very well articulated, aren't they? If they want to engage in an argument, at least learn to speak properly. Their parents must be so proud of their lovely offspring.

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    Typical night in a sanctuary city. Lawlessness abounds!

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    Buncha classless HOeS!!

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    From the thumbnail, I genuinely thought the one on the left (of the thumbnail) was some kind of ape-like animal. And from watching the video I think my first reaction was correct: hideous women. Urgh.

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    Poor blokes and police trying to break it up didn't know where to grab them. Should've just hosed them down.

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    Well look, in fairness that was on 6th Street in Austin, where pretty much anything goes. I kid you not. Saying that, it's like the Texas cleaner version of Bourbon St., New Orleans. I have never personally seen any trouble there, this is one incident. Although, one time, an Italian bouncer who thought he was Tony Soprano was trying to get me into a dodgy looking place, he was very hands on, pulling on me and patting me down, as I walked along the street. It was quite intimidating, and I had to keep my wits about me. If that ever happens to you, keep your hands down, keep calm and keep walking past. Cross the road if you have to. There is typically some police around on 6th. Keep Austin Weird, that's the motto of the place...

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    Disgusting, sad, and scary. B l a c k chicks are loud, obnoxious and overbearing. Can't stand the majority of them and you have to watch your back around them. I keep my distance.

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    Are you sure you don't mean 'Austin Essex?'

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    Sugar and spice and all things nice.

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