Monday 23 August 2021



😲Watch "Man accused of killing grocery store clerk during face mask dispute pleads not guilty by reason of complete sanity located within his cerebral cortex." on YouTube 🤡  


Just simply a fruit cake.

This poor foolish imbecile.
Like... that's really going to help someones cause.

Regarding the issue of face masks as well as corona virus presently.

So.. obviously this dumb fellow is a fruitcake whose dumb actions clearly do not assist the actions of  sane people on earth who are asking very rational questions regarding matters which relate to corona virus' shall I say?

Its unfortunate. Yes. Unfortunate that imbeciles like this exist.

To do crazy violent things.
Exactly. Yes. Exactly. Yet' nevertheless' despite the fact' fruitcakes like this obviously  exist everywhere on earth presently it doesnt alter the obvious truth of another fact going on presently on earth also.

At this conjecture in time in human history.
And that obvious factual  truth is addressed here.


Just for the appropriate sake of record.

O people dwelling on earth today.
On that note
Check facts. Addressed in such websites.

Regarding various functions of corona virus . And laws applied to this strange pandemic . Shall I say.


Look at the facts.

Connect simple dots.
Like a toddler just stsrting elementary school connects simple dots.
On that note.
Pure and simple.

Watch "Man accused of killing grocery store clerk during face mask melee and wild  dispute with grocery store clerk  pleads not guilty by reason of complete sanity located within his cerebral cortex." on YouTube   

Man charged after maskless grocery shoppers threatened with bat

Police have charged a 56-year-old Port Elgin man after customers were threatened with a baseball bat for not wearing masks at a grocery store in the Bruce County town, police said.


Saugeen Shores police were called Thursday evening about a man who was threatening people and causing damage at the grocery story, police say. The call came in shortly after 8 p.m.


“A male and female were confronted by another customer over not wearing masks. The dispute escalated leading to the male customer threatening to cause bodily harm to the other male,” police said in a statement. “A bystander witnessed the interaction and attempted to intervene, resulting in the male threatening this customer.

“The altercation continued in the parking lot, where the male brandished a baseball bat in a dangerous manner towards the male and female. The male then struck the taillight of the victim’s vehicle, causing damage.”

Police later made an arrest.

The accused is charged with mischief under $5,000, three counts of uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm, and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. He was given a court date and released.

It’s been nearly two years since masks were made mandatory in all public indoor settings across Ontario, a measure in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. New rules, including limited retail capacity, are in effect for at least two more weeks as the number of cases of the highly contagious Omicron variant skyrockets.


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  1. To andrea horwath and other ontario government figures:

    @AndreaHorwath i? Its breaching people's rights to force your citizens to take an untested vaccine.
    When health officials have warned people their not completely certain of the long term effects of this vaccine yet.
    Do you know how nuts that is? On the part of the government?

    @AndreaHorwath any rational leader would also acknowledge that " during recent public gatherings in the united states "vaccinated people became quote sick and had to be hospitalized. Does that sound like this untested vaccine works? Or is safe?
    Hello? Hello? Uh duh?

    @AndreaHorwath ma'am, its irrational to force citizens to take a vaccine which technically has not been properly tested. It's not even a cure. For crying out loud. It's a pathetic vaccine.

  2. To andrea horwath and other ontario government figures:

    @AndreaHorwath i? Its breaching people's rights to force your citizens to take an untested vaccine.
    When health officials have warned people their not completely certain of the long term effects of this vaccine yet.
    Do you know how nuts that is? On the part of the government?

    @AndreaHorwath any rational leader would also acknowledge that " during recent public gatherings in the united states "vaccinated people became quote sick and had to be hospitalized. Does that sound like this untested vaccine works? Or is safe?
    Hello? Hello? Uh duh?

    @AndreaHorwath ma'am, its irrational to force citizens to take a vaccine which technically has not been properly tested. It's not even a cure. For crying out loud. It's a pathetic vaccine.
